Higher randomness theory investigates the notions of effective randomness one obtains when replacing "computable" by "hyperarithmetic" and "c.e." by "Pi^1_1" in the usual definitions (Martin-Löf randomness, Schnorr randomness, computable randomness, etc). After recalling the basics of the theory, I will present some recent work in collaboration with Noam Greenberg and Benoit Monin. The main question we will address is the following: do the (very rich) interactions between randomness and Turing degrees have a counterpart in the higher computability? We will argue that this is indeed the case, provided one correctly translates the notion of Turing reduction in the higher setting. We will thus introduce the notion of higher Turing reduction and show that a significant part of the classical theory translates accordingly. However, we will also see that the two landscapes (classical and "higher") differ dramatically on some key aspects, such as the existence of a uniform oracle tests and measures. If time permits, I will discuss the impact this has on the study of lowness and triviality, and will ask some open questions.